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Consortium Partners of

Strength in collaboration, moving towards a common goal!

The Fish-X Project is being implemented by nine European organisations, called consortium partners, including TransMarTech Schleswig-Holstein (TMT, Germany), EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH, Germany), Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS, France), North.io (Germany), Sciaena (Portugal), OURZ (Germany), WWF EPO (Belgium), Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE, Belgium), and Irish Islands Marine Resource Organisation (IIMRO, Ireland).

TransMarTech Schleswig-Holstein GmbH

TransMarTech (TMT) sees itself as an incubator for maritime innovations and maritime technologies. We encourage the development of innovations through technology transfer from maritime and marine sciences. We rely on interdisciplinary teams from science and business. We believe that new business models and products in the maritime economy can emerge when applying the transfer of technologies and basic research from universities and research institutes to industry. The Global Goals for Sustainable Development of the UN Decade are decisive for our actions in the process of product and business model development – TransMarTech focuses on SDG 14. Our goal is to enable technology-driven innovations and the development of products, services and systems from Schleswig-Holstein that make life by and in the sea sustainably better.

To do this, we are connecting innovative minds from science and business, people with outstanding ideas, special expertise and passion.

Jana Stünkel

Project Manager

Ankith Kumar

Junior Project Manager

European Technology Chamber

European Technology Chamber (EUTECH) is an NGO driven by its mission to uplift humanity through technology. We seek to drive European businesses to use their technologies to benefit Europe as well as humankind. We believe technology is a catalyst for inclusive and holistic progress – technology obliges us to promote development and disseminate European values. From state-of-the-art virtual fairs, digital and real-world events to building global relationships between stakeholders relevant to our mission, EUTECH’s quest is ever evolving. We seek to ensure this happens holistically and sustainably, inducing a benevolent revolution that takes humanity to the next level. Moreover, we are ever focused on working towards reaching the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Sierra von Tucher

EUTECH Team Manager

Dr. Igor V. Gladkov

Events Manager

Malte Sebastián Blödorn

Fish-X Communicator

Collecte Localisation Satellites

CLS’ mission is to deploy innovative space-based solutions to understand and protect our planet, and to manage its resources sustainably  CLS was funded by CNES, the French Space Agency in 1986. CLS employs 900 people, at its headquarters in Toulouse (France) and in 34 other sites around the world.

CLS is working towards sustainable marine resource management and offers a range of services in over 60 countries. CLS provides solutions to public and private stakeholders working in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, such as vessel monitoring and electronic logbook solutions and fisheries management centers. These tools help nations to detect and fight illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

Jean Pierre Cauzac

Strategic Project Manager

Yassine Atter

Solution Manager


Sales & Marketing


Head of Fisheries Expertise

Florence BOUILLE

Operations Project Manager


Data Scientist

north.io is a software development company, situated in Kiel, Germany, specialized in the development of customised software solution related to big data, artificial intelligence and geoinformation. Their team consists of 30 software developers, designers, data-analysts and researchers, working in a variety of fields closely bound to spatial data, environmental management & maritime data. As initiator of Marispace-X, north.io is a frontrunner in the creation of a digital maritime data space, based on European Gaia-X principles of data sovereignty, security, interoperability. 

Within the Fish-X project, these Gaia-x principles are adopted to develop a separate data space for the fisheries sector. The Fish-X data space will provide a digital ecosystem to enable sharing of fisheries data between stakeholders to support accessibility and transparency for the benefit of fishermen and environment alike. 

Jann Wendt

CEO - north.io GmbH

Dr. Simon A. van der Wulp

Research Coordinator / Senior Scientist

Sarah Gebauer

Research Project Coordinator

Marcel Louwers

Research Project Coordinator

WWF is an independent conservation organisation, with over 30 million followers and a global network active through local leadership in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

The European Policy Office contributes to the achievement of WWF’s global mission by leading the WWF network to shape EU policies impacting on the European and global environment.

Dr Antonia Leroy

Head of Ocean Policy

Laure Guillevic

Ocean Policy Officer

Larissa Milo Dale

Senior Communications Officer, Marine

WWF is one of the world’s largest independent non-governmental nature conservation organizations, with more than 5 million members globally and active offices in more than 120 countries.

WWF’s mission is to stop environmental degradation and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and waste. ANP|WWF works in association with WWF International and continues the work that has been ongoing in the national territory since 1990 by WWF Mediterranean.

ANP|WWF operates in 6 practices: oceans and fisheries, forests, wildlife, food, freshwater, climate, and energy, through several conservation projects and policy work.

Rita Sá

Head of the Oceans and Fisheries Programme

Pedro Ramos

Pedro Ramos

Oceans and Fisheries Officer

Ana Aresta

Communications Officer

Margarida Carvalho Neto

Financial Director

WWF is an independent conservation organisation, with over 30 million followers and a global network active through local leadership in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

The WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative (MMI) brings together WWF offices and programmes from across the region in a concerted, coordinated effort to bring the Mediterranean Sea back to health. Our work ranges from influencing government policy to working with fishing communities, from shaping business models to mobilizing millions of people to conserve the Mediterranean’s natural riches. Our vision is of healthy marine and coastal ecosystems that support vibrant economies and human wellbeing right across the Mediterranean.

Alessandro Buzzi

Regional Manager

Giovanna Agostinelli

Financial Manager

Marco Costantini

Regional Project Manager, Fisheries

Simone Niedermüller

Regional Project Manager

WWF is an independent conservation organisation, with over 30 million followers and a global network active through local leadership in nearly 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.

WWF Adria is a regional office, consisting of 7 countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and Northern Macedonia. We’d like to see key species, habitats and ecosystems protected and recovering, with good governance systems in place, enabling sustainable management and equitable use of natural resources. Of course, nothing can be done without major transformation in business practices towards sustainability and corporate and social responsibility. And, speaking of partners, we want to see civil society informed, educated and empowered to engage in environmental stewardship and decision-making.

Fabijan-Hrvatin Peronja

Project Officer for Sustainable Blue Economy


Mosor Pravan

Marine Program Manager


Anja Lasić

Project Finance and Administrative Officer

OURZ is a software start-up form Flensburg, Germany founded in 2021 that connects sustainable consumption with the production of food.
The food & beverage industry is responsible for a third of global emissions, it is the main driver of deforestation around the world, it is seriously threatening the condition of our oceans and it is built on the exploitation of animals & humans. Things have to change! More and more companies take up their responsibility to positively transform the industry, while consumers increasingly demand sustainable products.
OUR(Z) mission is to empower quality- and sustainability- oriented producers, manufacturers and consumers to change our world for the better. Through our blockchain-based platform, we have taken on the fight against the lack of transparency within the food & beverage industry. By providing direct and unalterable insights into the history of products, OURZ enables sustainable companies to differentiate themselves from their (greenwashing) competitors and provides sustainability conscious consumers with the information they need to shape a better world through their actions.
In short: OURZ is dedicated to unveiling the true value 
(or cost) of products, enabling the sustainable transformation of the food & beverage industry and to making our world OURZ again.

Antoni Hauptmann

Subject Matter Expert: Tech & Supply Chain

Jonas Wendt

Subject Matter Expert: Impact & Sustainability 

Sciaena is a Portuguese Environmental Non-Governmental Organization, created in 2006 by University of Algarve students who envisioned a healthy marine environment and an informed population engaged in its conservation. Several years later, it works in fields such as fisheries, marine protected areas, plastics, renewable energies, deep-sea mining and environmental awareness. Its core mission is to promote the improvement of the marine environment by encouraging the sustainability of fisheries and other forms of use and minimizing the impacts of pollution through knowledge, education, communication and political intervention.

Gonçalo Carvalho

Executive Coordinator

Nicolas Blanc

Fisheries Officer

Raquel Pereira

Fisheries Officer

The Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) is a paneuropean network of Small-scale fishers (SSF) committed to fish in a low impact manner. LIFE’s mission is to unite SSF to achieve fair fisheries, healthy seas and vibrant communities, by raising their voice at European level and building their capacity on the ground to become actors of change. LIFE is a newcomer to the Fish X project and will participate to ensure SSF involvement in the codesign of Fish X solutions and support in the definition of an Industry Roadmap for Digitisation.

Marta Cavallé (1) (1)

Marta Cavallé

Executive Secretary

Brian O’Riordan (1)

Brian O’Riordan


Claudia Orlandini

Senior Communications and Outreach Officer

The Irish Islands Marine Resource Organisation is a representative cooperative and EU producer organisation based on the offshore islands of Ireland. Founded in 2014 IIMRO represents islanders from Counties Donegal, Mayo, Galway and Cork. Our work focuses on small scale fisheries, environmental designations and, more recently, offshore renewables and other blue economy interactions with fisheries.  IIMRO is active at a policy level with a focus on implementation of the CFP and CMO regulations, particularly article 17 on quota allocation, implementation of supports for small islands, fisheries co-management and a return to seasonal fishery practices, the incorporation of traditional knowledge into fisheries management and many other initiatives.  IIMRO is actively examining practical technological solutions to resolve fisheries issues and has partnered with organisations such as Abalobi and CLS to trial various platforms in an Irish environment.

Seamus Bonner

Secretary of Irish Islands Marine Resource Organisation

Enda Conneely

Enda Conneely

Vice-Chair of Irish Islands Marine Resource Organisation