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Fish-X in a Nutshell

We believe in a Common Responsibility to foster Sustainable Fisheries and Marine Biodiversity.

  • We drive digital innovation to enable the sustainable exploitation of common natural resources.
  • We develop accessible technologies to empower small-scale fisheries and grow their credibility towards the customer.

Within the Fish-X project, we are therefore developing a Fisheries Dataspace, a Traceability App, and an Insight Platform – based on smart orchestrated architecture and open interoperable technology via Gaia-X.

Goals of

Fight Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing

Promote a sustainable use of common natural resources

Support honest fishers and help generate fair economic returns

Foster synergies between fisheries, authorities, supply chain actors, and consumers

Advance the digital transition for small-scale and recreational fisheries

Contribute to traceable, healthy, and sustainable food

News & Events

Participate in our active Webinars and Working Group meetings

Get access to new research content such as Whitepapers and Post-event Reporting Papers

Upcoming Event

Fish-X Closing Conference and Expo scheduled for 18 March 2025.

Fish-X Conference + Expo - Fish-X Roadmap 2030: Strategies for Good Dissemination of Digital Technologies to EU Fisheries

The Fish-X Conference + Expo will present the Fish-X Roadmap for Digital Transformation of EU Fisheries until 2030 and present the digitial tools developed by Fish-X. To gain the highest impact from these tools will it be key to formulate an actionable milestone plan for effective dissemination and exploitation, that is commonly elaborated and agreed by the affected sectors and stakeholders.

The objective of this conference is to support the effective implementation of the revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation and of the EU Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation. Via this event, Fish-X will:

  • Present its Roadmap for Digital Transformation of EU Fisheries until 2030
  • Collect feedback to prepare Strategies for Good Dissemination of Digital Technologies to EU Fisheries
  • Demonstrate the project’s core components: Fish-X Dataspace & Insight Platform
  • Offer opportunities to get in touch with Fish-X partners online via expo booths. Meetings for this can be requested and booked in advance

Get regular information about results achieved by Fish-X and our upcoming activities & events

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Fish-X Community

Fish-X is following a stakeholder engagement strategy in order to respect the know-how and views of key sector experts and general public for the success of the project.

Project Structure

Fish-X is an EU funded project and has been divided into different work packages and deliverables that are being carried out by the respective consortium partners of the project.

Fish-X Stakeholders Survey 

Fish-X always looks for valuable contribution from its stakeholders for events and several deliverables. Please fill in our Stakeholders Survey as success of the project depends on your active participation and it will also allow us to share the updates of the project and invite you to the upcoming events.

Would you like to contribute & benefit from our stakeholder engagement?

Are you working in the fields of research applied to fish traceability , stock management or other relevant fields of research?

Consortium Partners of
Fish-X Project

Strength in collaboration, moving towards a common goal!

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